The Wonderful World of Oils

Safety Notes

If you’re allergic to tree nuts, be cautious when using certain product and make sure to read ingredients. Avoid nut butters, nut oils, nut extracts and nut paste.  Always do a patch test first to be safe. If you have concerns regarding specific ingredients and how it will affect your allergies, it’s always best to consult with your doctor.

Tree nut allergies are one of the most common allergens in both adults and children. Tree nuts include (but are not limited to) walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios and Brazil nuts. Peanuts are also a common nut allergy, but are technically considered legumes. According to FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education), people who are allergic to tree nuts are more likely to be allergic to other types, and should avoid all nuts.

Argan Oil

Best for: Fine lines, dry skin, and dry hair

Extracted from the kernels found in the fruit of Moroccan argan trees, argan oil has high levels of vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. While it first claimed fame as a savior for dry, damaged hair, the oil also works wonders on the face and body. "The fatty acids help our skin cells make healthy membranes, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy collagen," says Joshua Zeichner, an assistant professor of dermatology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center, in New York City. Some benefits are:

1. Nighttime Moisturizer

Argan oil absorbs quickly, and does not leave an oily residue. After cleansing your skin with an all-natural cleanser, pour a single drop into your palm to warm. Apply in a circular motion to your face and neck.

Apply one drop to your face, using a tapping motion, from the bridge of your nose to your temple, and back again. Then apply a drop beneath your eyes with the same gentle tapping. The vitamin A and vitamin E can help to reduce fine wrinkles and keep this delicate area moisturized.

2. Skin Toner

3. Exfoliating

Regular exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while giving you a younger fresher complexion. With the aid of the brown sugar, the argan oil’s nutrients are more readily absorbed into your skin.

4. Acne

Argan oil has been proven to reduce sebum levels in individuals with oily skin. Women that have never had acne before are finding in that in their 30s and 40s this pesky condition arises, and it is often, difficult to treat.

Chemical creams can be expensive, and in the long run truly do more harm than good. Argan oil’s high linoleic acid content helps to reduce inflammation caused by acne, (not to mention rashes, infections and bug bites) while helping heal damaged skin cells.

If you are using argan oil as your moisturizer, but are still fighting acne, place a drop in the palm of your hand and lightly dab a bit extra into problem areas. To fight stubborn or persistent white heads, be sure to use a toner with a couple of drops of tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil compliments the argan oil benefits beautifully with its rich content of anti-oxidants and its inherent anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. Together, they can help fight stubborn acne while reducing the inflammation, and scarring.

5. Stretch Marks

Argan oil can help prevent stretch marks by improving the elasticity of the skin. Warm 2-3 drops of pure argan oil in the palm of your hands and gently rub your stomach, hips, thighs or any other potential problem areas.

The vitamin A and vitamin E will help to rejuvenate the skin while moisturizing, making stretch marks less likely to form. If you already have a stretch mark or two (or six), start by massaging argan oil and brown sugar into the affected areas before your next bath. Rinse well and apply the oil to the affected areas prior to dressing.

6. Razor Bumps and Burn

Razor bumps and razor burn are uncomfortable and unsightly. Argan oil is an effective treatment to soothe and heal for men after shaving, as well as women for their legs and bikini line.

7. Whole-Body Moisturizer

Argan oil has great benefits your face, do not hesitate to use it as your whole-body moisturizer! Hopefully, you are currently using an all-natural moisturizer (like coconut oil) on your body and avoiding the harsh hidden chemicals that are present in most lotions and moisturizers.

8. Leave-In Conditioner & Styling

Argan oil is not only beneficial to skin – it is also great for hair. This non-greasy oil makes for the perfect leave-in conditioner that makes your hair easier to style while repairing those pesky split ends! Argan oil helps to tame frizz and fly-aways, protect against the heat of hair dryers, curlers and flat irons, all the while promoting body, and a healthy shine.

9. Overnight Deep Conditioning Treatment

If you have dry, brittle hair, once a week do an overnight deep conditioning treatment with argan oil. Warm 4-10 drops in your hands before massaging into your scalp. Continue applying all the way to the ends, twist, and place a shower cap on top. Your natural body heat retained in the shower cap will help the oil to penetrate, while keeping your pillowcase free of oil. In the morning, wash your hair as normal, rinsing until all residue is gone.

If you have dandruff or dry scalp, do an overnight treatment twice per week until dandruff is gone. Continue on with weekly treatments, or as needed.

10. Lip Conditioner

Argan oil benefits more than just your skin and hair; it makes for a wonderful lip treatment or chap stick substitute! Rub in 1-2 drops, and wipe away any excess.

This will not only heal any cracked lips, but also keep your lips soft, smooth and conditioned. Keep argan oil around in winter-time to prevent chapped lips.

11. Nails

Argan oil’s non-greasy moisture is an ideal treatment for cuticles and nails.

12. Dry Feet and Heels

If you have dry cracking skin on your feet or heels, rub 2 drops into your feet, paying special attention to the problem areas. Depending on the how dry your skin is, you may need to apply a couple of more drops to fully moisturize the area.

Cover with a pair of cozy socks to give the oil a chance to soak in. Leave the socks on for at least 20 minutes, and preferably overnight.


Avocado Oil

Best for: Dry, sensitive, or irritated skin

This oil is high in vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, which helps proper cell function and decrease inflammation," says Jennifer Linder, MD, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California at San Francisco. Because it's such a rich emollient, avocado oil is ideal for those with dry, itchy, or aging skin. Some benefits are:

1. Reduces wrinkles

Avocado extracts are proven beneficial in maintaining skin elasticity, which in turn help to eliminate premature aging signs responsible for unwanted facial features like skin blemish, acne, whiteheads, wrinkles, fine lines and so on. As compared to olive oil, avocado oil penetrates deep into your skin and facilitates the movement of nutrients for optimum health.

2. Production of collagen

Aside from having vitamin E, this nutritious fruit contains significant amounts of Vitamin C needed for development of tissues and cells. Collagens help to maintain skin health by preventing bacteria and viruses from entering.

3. Moisturizes skin

Skin care experts recommend regular use of avocado oil for dry and oily skin. You can use it as a facial mask to enhance skin tone. Simply rub it against your skin then rinse thoroughly with cold water after half an hour.

4.Reduces high monounsaturated fats

Studies show that consumption of avocado may help to reduce cholesterol responsible for unwanted facial features. By applying avocado oil on the skin regularly, you never have to worry about wrinkles and skin blemish anymore. Moreover, it effectively reduces skin inflammation caused by too much exposure to sunlight.

5. Treats skin disease

Consumption of avocado can also help to treat skin disorders such as eczema. In addition, people with dry skin either caused by climatic effects or by dehydration can apply avocado oil on the skin.

Avocado is an ingredient in many leading cosmetic products and has no significant side effects whatsoever.


Coconut Oil

Best for: Sensitive skin, eczema, dry hair

What it is: "When a client has super-sensitive skin, I recommend coconut oil, straight from the grocery store, as a body moisturizer," says Joanna Vargas, a celebrity facialist in New York City. "Its fatty acids make it helpful for anyone with eczema, too."

Additionally, research has shown that coconut oil restores dry hair. "Its 12-carbon fatty acid structure allows it to penetrate the hair cuticle and help provide flexibility and strength," says Perry Romanowski, a cosmetic chemist in Chicago. Rub a small amount on dry ends, smooth a bit on your fingers to tame flyaways, or use it as a deep-conditioning treatment in the shower. Some additional benefits are:

1. Balance hormone levels

Coconut oil can actually help you balance out your hormones, thanks to the presence of natural lauric acid. A number of studies have shown that this acid, along with the saturated fat, are able to help balance out hormones in women going through the menopause. It has a positive effect on estrogen levels in particular, making this a great natural alternative to medication provided for women experiencing wild mood swings and hot flashes.

2. Anti-aging in nature

Coconut oil has an impressive anti-ageing property. By increasing your body’s antioxidant levels, coconut oil can help stop the damage to your skin caused by free radicals. Over long periods of time, the skin can look tighter, firmer and younger, and fine lines can be drastically reduced. All you need is a tablespoon of coconut oil at breakfast time. You can even apply it directly to your skin.

You can also enjoy a detoxification effect from coconut oil, which again reduces the effects of ageing, thanks to the effect that the oil has on your liver.

3. Get gorgeous hair

If you’re worried about split ends and dry hair, coconut oil is your perfect remedy. Ditch the chemical-rich shampoo you bought from the store and instead mix coconut oil with a little lavender shampoo and apply as normal. And, once your hair is washed, try applying coconut oil by itself onto the hair to achieve a conditioning effect.

All the nutrients and minerals within it reach deep within your hair, helping it look shiny and healthy for longer.

4. Build muscle

Looking to lose fat and build muscle? Well, the medium chain fatty acids found within the fat in coconut oil can help build muscle without causing huge weight gain – as long as you are exercising, of course. These medium chain fatty acids are often extracted from natural products and inserted into manmade muscle building products, so why not bypass the middle man?

Eating coconut or consuming coconut oil helps increase your muscle mass and give your body the resources it needs to tone up and reduce body fat.

5. Combat yeast infections

Yeast infections can be a nightmare for some people. While many individuals will only experience them on rare occasions, for some people these infections occur regularly, making it painful to go to the bathroom. Studies have found, however, that lauric and capric acid – both found in coconut oil – have proven an effective form of treatment for candida infections.

6. Protect against Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer's Disease is a terrible condition that causes people to lose their memory. It is particularly common in people over the age of 60, and there is little we can do to treat it when it starts. There are, however, things we can do to protect against it.

When the body digests medium chain fatty acids, the liver produces ketones. This is a chemical that is used by the brain for energy, and when it is used, the body doesn’t need to go about turning insulin into energy instead. This has shown in numerous studies to help protect against Alzheimer’s and even help treat the condition, as a result of Alzheimer’s sufferers losing the ability to generate insulin in the brain.

7. Protect your heart

These days, heart conditions and high blood pressure are more common than ever. Thanks to bad diets and busy lifestyles, our hearts are under more strain to beat normally and push blood and oxygen through our bodies. However, the healthy cholesterol found in coconut oil – called HDL – helps reduce bad cholesterol – LDL- in your body. This keeps your heart healthy, reduces your chances of developing a heart condition, and maintains your blood pressure at healthy levels.

8. Stop kidney infections

Coconut oil defeats more than just yeast infections, it’s also amazing for kidney infections and UTIs. The medium chain fatty acids found within this oil are antibiotic in nature, meaning that bacteria are killed off when the oil is consumed. Specifically, the oil is able to break down the lipid coating outside of bacteria cells, killing them in the process.

A great way to get this result is to drink coconut water. It contains all the acids you need but is hydrating and helps flush out the bacteria as they’re killed.

9. Maintain healthy teeth

Maintaining healthy teeth relies on lots of factors. You not only need to regularly brush and clean your teeth, you also need to ensure you have a healthy diet and reduce the amount of bacteria living in your mouth. Coconut oil helps on two counts – it not only contains the nutritional resources you need for strong teeth and bones, it also helps cleanse your mouth and remove bacteria, helping reduce the chances of developing gum and periodontal diseases.

Try coconut oil pulling three times a week and see what a huge difference it can make!

10. Enjoy glowing skin

Your skin can benefit greatly from coconut oil, particularly if you suffer from skin conditions like dandruff, eczema or dermatitis. Coconut oil acts as a cleanser and moisturizer, helping hydrate dry skin and soothing pain from burns and rashes.

11. Improve your digestive system

Our digestive system and process are extremely complicated. There are so many functions and processes going on that it can be difficult to know what is and isn’t good for your health. Remember, though, that the main point of digestion is the removal of important minerals and vitamins from your food. Without this process, the food you eat would be worthless.

Coconut oil contains a great deal of omega-3 fatty acids, which help improve your digestion and absorb fat-soluble vitamins and metals. Furthermore, the antibiotic nature of coconut oil can kill of bad bacteria in your stomach

Furthermore, the oil is packed full of antioxidants that help heal your skin and stop infections from growing. So, whether you have cracked skin from psoriasis or a burn from exposure to the sun, try applying raw coconut oil and see how soothing it can be, and how it can keep your skin glowing and young.

Sunflower Oil

Best for: Dry, sensitive, acne prone, normal skin

Sunflower oil is a natural and healthy way of maintaining a great skin, thanks to its calming and emollient (moisturizing) properties. Being rich in nutrients and antioxidants, it is widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes and is found to be effective against acne, eczema, inflammation, general redness and irritation of the skin. Sunflower seed oil is considered as one of the healthiest oils due to its variety of health-enhancing nutrients. This oil is rich in vitamins E, B1, B5, B6 and C in addition to minerals like copper, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium. Folate, potassium, calcium, riboflavin, iron and niacin found in sunflower seed oil make it an extremely healthy choice with several health benefits. Some of the benefits are:

1. Effective Moisturizing Agent

Due to its emollient properties, sunflower oil helps the skin retain its moisture. Using sunflower oil as a lotion on the skin of pre-term infants acts as a protective barrier and massaging them with this oil helps in reducing skin infection by nearly 14 percent. Hence, sunflower oil can be used in their daily skincare.

2. Improves Skin Health

Sunflower oil is extremely high in Vitamin E in comparison to other skincare products like almond oil or shea butter. Vitamin E is essential for preventing damage to the skin cells by the ultraviolet light or UVA from the sun. Vitamin E improves the appearance and health of your skin by preventing scarring and smoothing of existing wrinkles.

3. Sunflower Oil For Acne

Sunflower oil is also rich in vitamins A, C and D and healthy carotenoids and waxes which form a protective barrier on the skin. Thus, this oil is effective in the treatment of acne. Being exceptionally light and non-greasy, it gets absorbed into the skin easily, without clogging or blocking the pores. Its range of vitamins and fatty acids act as antioxidants to regenerate the skin cells and help the skin get rid of acne causing bacteria.

4. Rich in Beta-Carotene

Beta-carotene is a richly pigmented, fat-soluble compound that can be converted into Vitamin A and its antioxidant properties are beneficial for the appearance of your health and skin. Sunflower oil is an excellent source of beta-carotene. Consumption of this compound makes your skin less sensitive to the sun. The antioxidants in it neutralize the free radicals that penetrate your skin, causing sunburn and other types of sun damage such as skin cancer.

5. Reduces Premature Signs Of Aging

The antioxidant properties of sunflower oil help in preventing premature signs of aging. The exposure to free radicals and sunlight increases the rate of aging of skin, causing the occurrence of wrinkles and fine lines at an early age. The antioxidants in sunflower oil lower the risk of developing premature signs of aging.

6. Treats Dry Skin

Being naturally emollient, sunflower oil improves your skin’s moisture retention capacity and is beneficial for individuals with dry, dehydrated or sensitive skin. A mixture of sunflower and castor oil is effective in making your skin supple and removing dead cells and impurities. This mixture can be used as a cleanser and there is no need to use a moisturizer as the oils contain fatty acids and vitamins to moisturize your skin.

7. Treats Skin Conditions

Sunflower seed oil is an oil of a fine quality as it is light in texture and extremely suitable for eye and skin care. It is suitable for normal to dry skin and is increasingly used in aromatherapy because of its mild scent and light texture. It is used in skin products and creates a soft feel on the skin.

Hazelnut Oil

Best for: Oily- acne prone, sensitive skin

A hazelnut which is about the size of a marble is loaded with minerals and vitamins like magnesium, potassium, calcium, folate, zinc, iron, manganese, vitamins A, C, E, K, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, and niacin. Some benefits are:

1. Thwarts Effects That Encourage Cancerous Skin Cell Development

One of the prime benefits of using hazelnuts for skin is that these are loaded with antioxidants and Beta-sitosterol which arrest the process of cancerous skin cell development. Oil extracted from the nuts defuses and deactivates the existing malignant cells in the integumentary system thereby thwarting the possibility of cancerous cells spreading throughout the body. Alpha-tocopherol, a variant of vitamin E also plays a role in thwarting the carcinogenic mechanism that leads to cancer cell proliferation.

2. Dealing With Skin Conditions

Hazelnuts are abundant in healthy flavonoids like catechins and tannins making these nuts extremely effective astringents. Astringent quality of hazelnut oil helps in soaking up oil from the pores on the epidermis thereby enabling these to shrink eventually healing acne, pimple and blackhead. On the other hand, the antibacterial attributes confront harmful bacteria thriving on the skin which aids in healing scars and marks left behind by shrinking pores.

3. Protection From Damaging UV Rays

Another hazelnuts benefit for skin is that these act as natural sunscreen for the skin aiding in filtering the internecine UV rays of the sun. Owing to this particular quality of hazelnut oil, it is used as an ingredient in numerous sunscreen lotions and creams. Hazelnut oil abounds in vitamin E that is highly effectual in safeguarding the skin from the adverse effects of the sun’s UV rays. Prepare a formulation by blending hazelnut oil with avocado, walnut, and sesame seeds, and apply the same routinely on your skin to keep it healthy and lustrous.

4. Hydrating The Skin

Vitamin E and healthy fats which are found in hazelnuts in copious amounts also aid in keeping the skin well-nourished and hydrated. Thus, the nuts act as an excellent conditioner for the skin helping to hold on to its smooth and soft texture. Applying the formulation mentioned above on a regular basis will go a long way in providing nourishment to the skin

5. Thwarting And/Or Delaying Premature Skin Ageing

Just a cupful of hazelnuts contain about 85% of vitamin E. Hazelnuts are also loaded with vitamins A, C, and K. These vitamins work individually and in unison to maintain the youthfulness of the skin preventing the formation of wrinkles and folds. Premature development of fine lines on the brow or on the face are also checked thereby delaying the onset of the ageing process of your skin. The combined effects of vitamins A and C that abound in antioxidants drive away free radicals and toxins from the skin which eventually checks the appearance of fine lines and folds.

6. Keeps Skin Youthful And Radiant

Hazelnuts are replete with antioxidants that play a key role in keeping the skin in the pink of health as well as letting it glow. The antioxidants are incredibly efficient in combating free radicals and other harmful toxins circulating in the blood. Antioxidants rid the skin of free radicals that have the potentiality of inflicting irreversible damage to your skin.

The epidermis is also shielded from the deadly UVA and UVB rays of the sun. Then again, the antioxidants in combination with the flavonoids in the nuts boost up the development of new skin cells and eliminate dead cells. This rejuvenation and revitalization process leads to your skin appearing more youthful and radiant.

7. Safe For Sensitive Skin

The mild moisturizing and conditioning attributes of hazelnut oil makes the nut an ideal natural conditioner especially for sensitive and dry skin.

8. Holds Elasticity of the Skin

Hazelnut oil has numerous amounts of key fatty acids like linoleic acid which contribute towards rehydration of dry skin fatty acids. Hence this hazelnut oil for skin is considered one of the best remedies for dry skin issues. It improves the elasticity of the skin effectively.

9. Moisturizes and Softens

The hazelnut oil benefits for skin include moisturizing and softening of skin tissues. This is due to the presence of vitamin E, phytosterols and stearic acids. The magnesium, calcium and potassium content of the hazelnut oil for face helps in softening the skin regularly.

10. Antibacterial Treatment

The hazelnut oil benefits for skin strongly includes its antibacterial property. This oil tightens the pores of the skin and generate sebum secretion which works as an antibacterial remedy for skin issues like chapped lips, stretch marks, scars etc., apart from acne and pimples.

11. Nutritional Beauty Treatment

The hazelnut oil assists in regenerating and rejuvenating dead skin cells. It revitalizes the skin efficiently. The nutritional value of the oil helps in working as a beauty treatment for skin on face, body and hands.

12. Massage Oil

Hazelnut oil skin care extends its phenomenal properties towards even massages and cleansing. It works as an effective absorbent of essence and ingredients of essential oils. The hazelnut oil has a dry texture property which eliminates the greasy feel after application. It penetrates the skin and softens the skin tissues. This oil is widely used to relieve physiological pains.

13. Oily Skin Treatment

Hazelnut oil properties also includes correction of oily skin. It tightens the skin pores and regulates the oil secretion on the skin keeping it clean and oil free. It is mostly included as key ingredient in soaps, lotions and also bath oils.


Flaxseed Oil

Best for: Irritated, sensitive skin, and conditions such as eczema and dermatitis

Packed with heart-healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, flaxseed is important for a healthy heart and complexion. You can mix the seeds in foods, or use the oil as a topical moisturizer, says Howard Sobel, MD, an attending physician in dermatology and dermatologic surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital, in New York City. "It has anti-inflammatory properties, and studies have shown that if taken daily, it can improve skin conditions such as eczema in just three months." Some benefits are:

1. Fighting Inflammation

Inflammation is the foundation of a number of serious and chronic medical conditions. Conditions like arthritis and heart disease are common and both are associated with inflammation. This oil contains omega-3 fatty acids and other polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are known for helping to reduce inflammation in the body. Keeping inflammation low can help to prevent certain inflammatory conditions. It can also alleviate the symptoms associated with inflammatory conditions.

2. Aiding  the male Reproductive System

Male fertility is something that many men experience problems with. The anti-inflammatory benefits of this oil can help to battle against prostate enlargement. This oil may also help to improve sperm health due to containing essential fatty acids.

Adding flaxseed oil to your daily diet is quick and easy. You can take a shot of it once a day or simply add it to your foods. Getting this oil in your diet most days of the week is sufficient to reap all of the health benefits listed above.

3. Reducing Cancer Risk

While there is no single way to prevent cancer, getting the right nutrients every day has been shown to be helpful. One of the most important nutrients for preventing cancer is alpha linolenic acid. This acid is particularly helpful in working to reduce breast cancer and prostate cancer. Another way that this nutrient helps to reduce your risk is due to containing dietary estrogen in the form on lignans. In this instance, this oil is particularly helpful in reducing your risk of breast, skin, prostate, and colon cancer.

4. Alleviating Constipation

Constipation is uncomfortable and it is a pretty common problem, especially among people whose diet is not exactly healthy. This oil can alleviate constipation due to being a natural source of fiber and having a natural laxative effect. These effects come from the oil coating your stool and the intestine’s inner walls making it easier for food and waste to essentially slide through to be eliminated. If you consume flaxseed oil once a day, you will find that it is easier to have bowel movements because your digestive system will not be backed up.

5. Slowing the Aging Process

No one wants to get older, but this is inevitable. However, just because you have to get older does not mean that you have to look older. Things like wrinkles and sagging skin come from losing collagen in the skin. This oil helps to reduce the signs of aging by keeping your skin more youthful. It also contains a number of powerful antioxidants to fight the free radicals that are working to damage your skin and make you look older. This slows the aging process so that you can look younger for as long as possible.


Jojoba Oil

Best for: General dry skin

While technically a wax, jojoba (pronounced ho-HO-ba) oil has a chemical structure that's very similar to our skin's natural oils, so it's easily absorbed. Dermatologists recommend it because it also contains such minerals as zinc and copper, and vitamins B and E, which help strengthen the skin. Some benefits are: 

1. Moisturizes Skin

Jojoba oil can make your skin soft and supple.

It has a high amount of ceramides, which cover the skin cells and are responsible for the regulation of their hydration. It gets quickly absorbed into the skin and does not leave behind any oil residue. This helps in creating a powerful barrier against moisture loss, as well as against allergens and dust pollution. It softens dry and pesky patches and restores the skin health.

All you need is to rub a small quantity of jojoba oil on face and hands before you sleep and wash it off in the morning. Simple!


2. Treats Skin Disorders

Are you suffering from skin disorders like eczema and rosacea? Jojoba oil to the rescue!

This oil is considered to be a natural cure for eczema. Jojoba oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing redness caused by dryness and other skin conditions like rosacea.

Dip a cotton ball in jojoba oil and apply it directly to the infected area. Use it twice daily for quick relief.

3. Balances Oil Production In The Skin

Jojoba oil works well on oily skin too. It is non-comedogenic and does not clog pores. Jojoba oil stops the sebum from secreting more oil on its own and balances oil production.

Here’s how you can use jojoba oil to get rid of grease and dirt from your face within no time. Wash your face and pat dry. Rub a small portion of this oil all over your face and neck, and you’re done. Jojoba oil contains many biological and mineral substances, which will give you a healthy and naturally glowing skin.


4. Reduces Wrinkles And Signs Of Aging

In addition to making the skin firm and moisturized, jojoba oil is also effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles, thus making you look younger.

It is rich in vitamin E, which is potent in eliminating the free radicals that are responsible for skin aging. The continuous use of jojoba oil can decrease fine lines and wrinkles by up to 25%. Also, the linoleic acid and antioxidants present in jojoba oil help in regenerating the skin cells.

It is highly effective if used with a face wash or a moisturizing cream. However, direct topical application has proven to show the best results.


5. Effective In Treating Stubborn Acne

Is jojoba oil good for acne? We all are aware that clogged pores often lead to pimples or acne. Many market cosmetics that claim to reduce acne contain animal fat, making the matter even worse. It’s always better to trust natural products, such as jojoba oil.

Jojoba oil is antiseptic and non-greasy in texture. Hence, it is a very effective treatment for acne. It helps to dissolve the oil production of pimples and blackheads and also helps to break the acne. Jojoba oil clears the exposed areas and clogged pores and leaves no scar marks. This also helps in clearing blemishes. With extended usage of jojoba oil for acne reduces the pore size and controls oil secretion, which prevents recurrence of acne itself.

Gently apply some jojoba oil on the affected areas and leave it on overnight. Wash it off with normal water the next morning.


6. Reduces Skin Inflammation

With its antibacterial properties, jojoba oil can reduce skin inflammation by killing the bacteria. It is also used for healing wounds, cuts, and minor infections like cold sores and warts. Jojoba oil reduces painful swelling and redness that often accompany an injury. So, don’t shy away from using this amazing oil the next time you fall prey to cuts and injuries.


7. Is A Good Makeup Remover

Still fussing over what makeup remover to use out of so many available options? We have the perfect solution! Jojoba oil has good cleansing properties and can be used as a makeup remover and facial cleanser. This oil helps in removing all traces of makeup instantly.

All you need to do is soak a cotton ball with jojoba oil and rub it all over your face and lips. Remove the oil residue from your face with a moist cotton ball afterwards. Jojoba oil is also helpful in removing eye makeup like kohl, mascara, liner, and eyeshadow.

Caution: As the areas around your eyes are very sensitive, make sure you apply jojoba oil gently.


8. Can Be Used As A Body Oil

Jojoba oil can be applied not just on the face, but all over the body prior to bathing. It hydrates your body adequately, so you can safely skip body lotion after bathing. It is quickly and easily absorbed into the skin and promotes blood flow, which will give you glowing skin.

You can also use jojoba oil for body massage. It has a non-greasy texture and pleasant smell, which will give you a soothing feeling.


9. Heals Cracked Heels

Worried about your dry and cracked feet that you need to hide by wearing socks every time you go out? Jojoba oil to the rescue, again!

The regular application of jojoba oil on the feet will keep them smooth and prevent cracked heels. For an intense foot treatment, apply the oil and put on socks. Leave them on for one hour. Your feet will be beautifully smooth and soft.


10. Keeps Your Nails Healthy

Many of us have really dry cuticles, and our nails are prone to breakage. This makes it impossible for us to flaunt long and pretty nails. Just rub some jojoba oil on your dry and brittle cuticles every day after your bath.

Jojoba oil has vitamin E, which moisturizes the cuticles, reduces breakage, and encourages healthy nail growth. It also possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which help in warding off any damage to your cuticles.


11. Removes SunTan

In our quest to get the perfect bronze glow, we don’t shy away from sunbathing. However, being in the sun for long doesn’t bode well for many of us, even if we slather ourselves with a strong sunblock. You might end up with sunburns and redness of skin and start looking for various remedies to alleviate the pain.

Try rubbing jojoba oil over the affected areas. Since it is rich in vitamins E and B-complex, jojoba oil will help in repairing the damaged skin while soothing the burning sensation. With its wax-like coating, jojoba oil can even shield sunburnt skin to an extent until it gets better.


12. Prevents Razor Burns

Jojoba oil also comes in handy for men and women as it heals burns and cuts that often occur while shaving.

Experts suggest that you use jojoba oil before shaving. It will help prevent razor burns and leave the skin smooth. You can even apply it directly after shaving to soothe and moisturize the skin, making it a natural alternative for top quality after-shaves.


13. Makes Your Lips Soft

Want feather-soft lips to fawn over? Use jojoba oil instead of your regular petroleum jelly. Its waxy structure will help in replenishing the lost moisture from the lips. It also locks in the moisture for long hours.


14. Reduces Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Jojoba oil can also work as a boon for pregnant ladies due its ability to reduce and prevent the inevitable stretch marks. Just rub a small quantity of jojoba oil over your belly twice a day during pregnancy and even after giving birth to keep stretch marks at bay. Being soothing in nature, its application will calm your nerves too, relaxing you in the process.


15. Cleanses Scalp

Jojoba oil helps to clean the traces of clogged and crusted sebum. This, in turn, may help to reduce hair fall and breakage. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help to keep the scalp clean and healthy.

Jojoba oil has excellent soil solubilizing agents that can remove sticky build-up as well as airborne particulates from the hair. Its keratoplastic effect makes the hair shiny and brings out its natural color.


16. Makes Your Hair Shine

Jojoba oil works great as a serum and imparts a healthy shine to the hair.

This natural oil smoothens the hair cuticles and tames dry, frizzy, and dull looking hair. It helps to seal the natural moisture in the hair shafts. It also adds luster and shine to the hair by minimizing the damage caused by pollutants and chemicals.


17. Jojoba Oil For Hair Growth

Using jojoba oil for hair growth is an excellent way to provide that extra boost. Our hair secretes sebum or oil to keep it moisturized. Many times, excess sebum is secreted by the gland, which blocks the hair follicles. This leads to hair fall and hair breakage. The rate of hair growth is also adversely affected because of the clogged follicles.

Jojoba oil prevents and stops hair loss and thinning caused by the clogged hair follicles. It dissolves and clears these blockages and promotes the development of new hair cells, which leads to hair growth.

You can also use jojoba oil to give your hair a hot oil treatment, prior to shampooing, in order to stimulate hair growth. Using jojoba oil to massage the scalp improves blood circulation, which stimulates the hair follicles to grow rapidly.


18. Conditions Hair

Those who are bothered by their dull and frizzy hair can use jojoba oil to improve its texture and appearance. It serves the purpose of both a hair oil as well as a hair conditioner.

Massage the oil into the scalp and hair, paying attention to the ends as well. The proteins and minerals present in the oil act as a natural conditioner and make your hair soft and shiny. It moistens the hair follicles and fortifies them against further damage. The oil conditions the hair and prevents it from becoming brittle and dull when exposed to unfavorable conditions.

 lasting moisturizing effect and balances the pH level of the scalp. It also promotes a healthy scalp with its antibacterial properties. This is particularly soothing for those who have issues of dandruff, dry scalp, and psoriasis on the scalp. It moisturizes the scalp well and keeps the hair strong from the roots.

19. Excellent For Dry Scalp

Jojoba is an excellent moisturizer for dry scalp, and it helps you get rid of that flaky and brittle skin that is often mistaken for dandruff.

Jojoba oil moisturizes your scalp deep down to the pores without evaporating. This causes a deep and lasting moisturizing effect and balances the pH level of the scalp. It also promotes a healthy scalp with its antibacterial properties. This is particularly soothing for those who have issues of dandruff, dry scalp, and psoriasis on the scalp. It moisturizes the scalp well and keeps the hair strong from the roots.


20. Treats Oily Scalp

Oily scalp problems can really wreak havoc on our hair. Most of the products available in the market for an oily scalp usually end up over drying the hair. Shampooing further increases the problem by making the hair dull and lifeless.

Jojoba oil helps to control the sebum excretion in the scalp. It regulates the flow of sebum in clogged pores and balances the amount of oil in our hair.


21. Helps In Maintaining Hair Color

If you have colored hair, apply jojoba oil on your hair before going for a swim. This will help close your hair cuticles and prevent harmful chemicals from stripping your hair color.

Things To Keep In Mind Before Using Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil has numerous jojoba oil uses and can be used to treat your entire body. However, there are a couple of things you need to keep in my mind while using jojoba oil for the first time.

  1. Make sure that you are using 100% pure jojoba oil and it is of the best quality.
  2. If jojoba oil is contaminated with any other oil or substance, it can make the skin problems worse.
  3. Use the oil sparingly. A little goes a long way.
  4. The skin should absorb the oil completely, and there shouldn’t be any greasy residue left behind. If it fails to absorb, stop using the oil.


Lavender Oil

Best for: Acne-prone or irritated skin

Collected from the fresh flowering tops of lavender, lavender oil may be especially beneficial for those with acne and general skin irritation. "It helps control sebum production, soothes irritation, and is a natural antiseptic and disinfectant," says Linder. Lavender oil can also boost the performance of your other skin products. Says Linder, "It's thought to help aid in the absorption of active ingredients into the skin." Some benefits are:

1. Helps Treat Acne:

Lavender oil is one of those few natural ingredients you can look up to for getting rid of acne troubles. The oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that can fight the bacteria that cause acne and inflammation.

2. Aids In The Treatment Of Eczema:

Eczema can be a very embarrassing skin condition, but only if one doesn’t have lavender oil handy. This is because the oil has the ability to relieve itching and reduce the symptoms of eczema. It also decongests the irritated areas on the skin by adding moisture, thereby accelerating the healing process.

3. Can Detoxify The Skin:

Given the obnoxious variety of environmental toxins and other pollutants our skin is exposed to most of the time, it is not surprising to know that our skin’s health is deteriorating with each passing day.

Lavender to the rescue – it contains powerful antioxidants that can fight against the harmful effects of pollutants on the skin.

In one study conducted by the Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC, it was found that lavender oil was one of the few potent essential oils that can inhibit the growth of skin bacteria.

4. Heals Burns:

The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of lavender oil again play a role here. The oil is beneficial in healing the burns, and also helps treat the scars caused by them (or scars caused by injuries. In addition, lavender oil also acts as a pain reliever.

Just add a few drops of lavender oil to the burnt area after keeping it under running water for about 10 minutes. Doing so can accelerate the healing process. However, keep in mind that you must consult a doctor immediately in the case of serious burns.

5. Can Help Heal Insect Bites:

Though not a serious problem, insect bites can indeed mess up with your daily activities. But that wouldn’t be the case when you have lavender oil handy.

Simply add a few drops of lavender oil on the insect bite or gnaw, and see the itching and swelling decrease considerably.

Lavender oil can act as a good insect repellant, and it has been traditionally used for treating insect bites.

However, do exercise caution while using the oil on children for treating insect bites. According to The University of Arizona, lavender oil must not be used on children below the age of 2 years .

6. For Treating Tired Muscles:

We know how tired our muscles can get after a long day at work; and we also know how heavenly a good massage can feel at that point of time. This is where lavender oil comes around as something you shouldn’t ignore.

7. As A Toner:

Lavender tones and makes your skin firm as it boosts circulation, thus resulting in an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrition to the skin cells. This helps in keeping the cells healthy and boosting their renewal process.

8. Controls Hair Loss:

Lavender oil is extremely effective in treating hair loss. This is because it cures insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression, which are the common causes of hair loss. Regular massage with this oil helps in controlling hair loss and improving hair growth by increasing blood circulation.

According to certain preliminary studies, lavender oil, when combined with other herbs, can help fight hair loss.

9. Treats Alopecia Areata:

Alopecia areata is an auto immune disease characterized by hair loss in patches. Dry scalp massage with lavender essential oil helps in treating this condition as well as ensuring significant hair growth within a few months.

A Scotland study had proven the efficacy of essential oils (including lavender oil) in treating alopecia aerate.

A therapeutic massage increases blood circulation to the scalp, thereby treating hair loss.

10. Treats Dandruff:

Lavender essential oil can help you get rid of dry itchy scalp and dandruff. You can mix 15 drops of lavender essential oil with 2 tablespoons of olive or almond oil and heat the mixture for about 10 seconds. Massage your scalp with this warm oil mixture and put on a shower cap. Wash off with a mild shampoo after an hour.

11. Helps In The Treatment Of Head Lice:

Being a powerful antiseptic, lavender oil can relieve your scalp of lice, lice eggs or nits. Massaging your scalp with this oil can kill both the lice and nits. To get rid of head lice, massage your scalp with lavender oil 20 minutes before shampooing

12. Helps Treat Insomnia:

Lavender essential oil is considered a traditional medication for promoting sound sleep. In folklore, people often filled their pillows with lavender flowers to sleep peacefully. This herb is beneficial for those suffering from insomnia, restless leg syndrome and exhaustion, as it soothes the nervous system and induces sleep and relaxation. This is because its scent induces alpha waves in the area of the brain that is responsible for relaxation, thus making you fall asleep faster.

A study conducted by the University of Southampton, United Kingdom, had concluded that lavender might have considerable effects on treating insomnia and inducing sleep.

Another American study had supported the mild sedative effects of lavender, and had stated that the herb had practical applications for promoting deep sleep in young men and women.

A Korean study had proved the efficacy of lavender fragrance in treating insomnia.

13. Helps In The Treatment Of Anxiety And Depression:

Lavender essential oil is effective in curing anxiety and depression through its calming, sedative, and anti-convulsive effects. It is often used in herbal remedies for promoting relaxation and treating restlessness.

You can place lavender plant in the corner of your room or place a few lavender stems in a small vase. Its soothing aroma will not only relieve stress, but also repel mosquitoes.

In one Korean study conducted on patients suffering from terminal cancer, hand massages with a lavender oil mixture were found to have a positive effect on the pain and depression of the patients.

Another study conducted on postpartum women had shown that lavender oil could bring down the levels of anxiety and depression without any adverse side effects.

14. Cures Headaches:

Lavender has proven to be effective in providing relief from migraine headaches and preventing the onset of a new headache. Massaging your temples, neck and forehead with lavender oil relieves neck and head tension, and promotes relaxation. This cures a variety of headaches like migraines, general headaches, gastric headaches, nervous headaches, sinus headaches and tension headaches.

An Iranian study involved 47 individuals who suffered from migraine headaches. They were divided into two groups – case group and control group. The patients in the case group were made to inhale lavender oil for 15 minutes, while the ones in the control group inhaled liquid paraffin for the same time period. It was found that the individuals in the case group had reported a decreased severity of migraines.

15. Aids In Proper Digestion:

Indigestion is a common problem these days, which is characterized by abdominal pain, vomiting, belching and burning sensation in your stomach leading to peptic ulcers. Lavender enables the body to digest fats by soothing the lining of the digestive tract and promoting the secretion of bile. It also relieves gas and constipation.

Drinking lavender tea is a great way to relieve nervous intestinal disorders and indigestion.

16. Heals Wounds:

Lavender oil has powerful antiseptic properties. Topical application of this oil to wounds, cuts, and scrapes increases cell growth, thereby facilitating quick healing of wounds. Its antimicrobial properties protect the wounds from infection..

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, lavender is used by herbalists for treating wounds. It has also been found that lavender was used to disinfect wounds during wartime.

17. Relieves Nausea:

Lavender essential oil is effective in alleviating the symptoms of nausea or motion sickness. For this purpose, place a drop of lavender oil on one end of the tongue, behind the ears or under the navel.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, lavender oil is ideal for preventing motion sickness.


Olive Oil

Best for: Very dry skin

Olive oil — particularly extra-virgin olive oil — is a good all-around natural moisturizer and is recommended for dehydrated skin. "It's super rich in fatty acids and vitamin E," Dr. Sobel says. Like jojoba oil, olive oil is similar to the oils naturally produced by our skin and so is absorbed well into the skin. It typically does not cause allergies, but because it's a heavier oil, those with acne should avoid using it on their face. Studies also show that the antioxidant content in olive oil may help protect against skin cancer. The list below tells about the different types of olive oil.

  1. Virgin Olive Oil – The most popular variety, virgin olive oil is a well-known cooking oil with a surprisingly low acid content. It is best suitable for people who want to enjoy the benefits of olive oil without spending a bomb.
  2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Made by cold pressing olive fruit, this oil is considered to be the best for our body. However not everybody can afford to use extra virgin oil due to its high cost.
  3. Pure Olive Oil – This oil is actually an amalgamation of refined and virgin olive oils. It has a high acidic content, and hence is unsuitable for use.
  4. Lampante Oil – The type that is used only as a fuel and is not suitable for cooking.

   Some benefits are:

1. Moisturizes Skin

This oil contains a good amount of vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects the skin from various external factors like the harsh sunrays or the wind. The light texture of olive oil makes it a perfect non-sticky moisturizer that stays for long and suits all skin types.

What You Need To Do

1. After you have showered, leave your skin a little damp and massage the olive oil onto your face.
2. Leave it on for about 15 minutes, and then wash off with lukewarm water.

Note: If you have dry skin, apply the oil to your face before going to bed, and let it stay on overnight. You can remove the oil in the morning with the help of a gentle face wash and some warm water.


2. Improves Skin Health

Olive oil contains vitamin E, which improves skin health by treating inflammation, acne, and protecting the skin from serious ailments like psoriasis and skin cancer.

3. Helps Remove Makeup

4. Has Anti-Aging Properties

As you age, your skin starts to sag and develop wrinkles. You can delay these signs of aging with olive oil

5. As A Lip Scrub

6. Heals Cracked Heels

7. Keeps Hair Healthy

Olive oil, in combination with a few other ingredients, can work wonders to keep your hair healthy. The oil is rich in vitamin E that helps fight hair loss. Honey moisturizes your hair. It also contains other nutrients like magnesium, zinc, sulfur, calcium, and B vitamins that aid hair growth. The egg yolk is rich in protein, a nutrient that is the primary constituent of hair.


8. Can Be Used As A Pre-shampoo Treatment

An olive oil massage before a shampoo helps in giving a distinct shine and strength to your hair.


9. Improves Nail Health

Olive oil can actually improve nail health.

The vitamin E in olive oil can improve the appearance of nails affected by an ailment.


Rose Hip Seed Oil

Best for: Uneven pigment, scars, fine lines, and acne-prone skin

Rose hip seed oil, which is extracted from the seeds of a South American rosebush, is like Mother Nature's Retin-A without the irritating side effects. "It contains omega-6 essential fatty acids and vitamins A and C, which work to increase cell turnover," explains Sobel. "If you use it for a few weeks, you'll notice significant change in any dark spots, scars, or any other skin discoloration."

This retinol-like effect, and the resulting increase in collagen and elastin production, means aging skin will benefit from rose hip seed oil, too. Its high concentrations of linoleic acid may also help acneic skin. Some benefits are:


1. Great natural skin care moisturizer


2. Research has indicated that it may have benefits for reducing some scars


3. Aids in reducing redness associated with facial rosacea


4. Improves appearance of psoriasis scars


5. Many acne sufferers find that it can be improve the quality of their skin


6. Reduces the appearance of premature aging skin as it can reduce wrinkles, crow's feet and fine lines


7. Great treatment for dry skin


8. Good for your after sun skin care regime


Rosehip oil is very readily absorbed by the skin and doesn't leave the oily residue that many beauty and skin care products do.


A couple of factors that you may need to be aware of is that pure rosehip oil has a relatively short shelf life and many suppliers recommend that it be stored in a cool place such as a refrigerator . Also it may be that a significant proportion of the vitamin C contained in the hip may be lost during the extraction process and it is not unusual for vitamin C from other sources to be added to skin-care products (although this is not necessarily to the detriment of the product as the vitamin C in rosehip buds is no more effective than other cheaper sources).


Safflower Oil

Best for: Dry, irritated skin

The oil of this thistle-like flower contains linoleic acid, or omega-6 fatty acid, which helps your skin make ceramides, a type of lipid that helps the skin hold onto water and prevent dehydration. "It's the best of all the oils for inflamed, dry skin — with the exception of argan oil, but safflower oil is much less expensive," says Leslie Baumann, MD, a dermatologist in Miami and author of Skin Type Solutions. You can also consume safflower oil to prevent dry skin, especially if your diet is low in fat. "Vegetarians and those on low-fat or low-cholesterol diets are more likely to have dry skin, but adding safflower oil to foods can help," Dr. Baumann says. Some benefits are


The omega-6 fatty acid has also been shown to manage blood sugar levels, thereby helping those people who suffer from diabetes to keep their blood sugar even. This can also prevent people from developing diabetes.


This has long been known as a good choice for those people who are trying their best to lose weight. Omega-6 fatty acids, of which safflower oil is rich, helps the body to burn fat, rather than store it. This makes safflower oil very valuable, since vegetable oil is used in so many cooking preparations, and it can be used by people suffering from obesity to lose weight without having to make too many changes to their diet.

3.Hair Health:

Safflower oil is also rich in oleic acid, which is very beneficial for the scalp and hair. This vitamin increases circulation on the scalp, stimulating hair growth and strength in the follicles. It can also help to keep your hair shiny and vibrant, so it is often used in cosmetic applications. However, it also does the same thing if consumed as food.


The high content of linoleic acid in safflower oil makes it ideal for boosting the quality and appearance of your skin. The linoleic acid can combine with sebum to unclog the pores and reduce blackheads, as well as acne, which is a result of sebum build-up under the skin. Furthermore, linoleic acid stimulates the regeneration of new skin cells, meaning that it helps to clear up scars and other blemishes from the surface of the skin, leaving you looking younger and more attractive


 For women going through menstruation, it can be a painful and uncomfortable time. Safflower oil’s linoleic acid regulates the prostaglandins in the body, which can cause such dramatic hormonal fluctuations and symptoms during menstruation. Therefore, safflower oil can decrease the severity of the PMS symptoms and can also regulate menstrual cycles, just like hormonal supplements, without the dangerous side effects.

6.Immune System Health:

  Although they regulate the function of prostaglandins, safflower oil also contributes the omega-6 fatty acids that create prostaglandins. These are hormone-like substances that help the body to function normally, including the processes of the immune system, therefore leaving our body more protected.

7.A Word of Caution:

If you have a problem with blood clotting, don’t use safflower oil, because it can dramatically slow down blood clotting, since it is a blood thinner. Also, if you have an allergy to ragweed and others in that family, avoid safflower oil, since it is that botanical family and can cause allergic reactions of varying severity.


Tea Tree Oil

Best for: Acne-prone skin

Tea tree oil is the essential oil taken from the leaves of the Australian tree Melaleuca alternifolia. Found in many natural acne remedies, it helps kill bacteria in the pores and hair follicles that lead to blemishes, and, luckily for those who can't find relief fast enough, it penetrates the skin quickly. "For best results, use it in conjunction with alpha- and beta-hydroxy-acid washes," says Dr. Zeichner. "Doing so will help slough off dead skin cells to prevent clogged pores."

Although it's a natural substance, tea tree oil may cause irritation, so make sure you test it on a small patch of skin before you use it generally. Some benefits are:


1. Antibacterial:

It is said that when Mother Nature creates a diseases, she also creates the cure. The activity of microbes, bacteria, viruses and fungi are at their peak in the Tropics, so most of the medicinal plants to treat those dangerous things are found there too. Tea tree is one such plant. It can cure some of the most horrible and dangerous bacterial infections found in the tropics. Wounds, which are prone to contracting bacterial infections in this region, can be effectively cured and protected using this oil. This oil is seldom taken orally, but if you do, it should be in mild concentrations. It can cure internal bacterial infections such as those in the colon, stomach, intestines, excretory system and urinary system. It can also be used in treatment of tuberculosis.

2. Balsamic:

The essential oil of Tea tree has balsamic properties that generally boost health. It promotes the absorption of nutrients from food and gives protection from diseases as well, meaning that overall it is a positive addition to our lives.

3. Cicatrisant:

The Cicatrisant property of this essential oil makes it heal wounds quickly and protects them from infections. Furthermore, it can help neutralize or diminish the scar marks and after spots left by eruptions, boils, pox, and acne.

4. Antimicrobial:

Microbes don’t stand a chance against this oil, since it is a highly effective antimicrobial substance. It can kill and keep away certain microbes (protozoa) which are responsible for causing severe tropical fevers and malaria.

5. Overall Skin Health:

is almost always associated with the skin in some way, because it has powerful antioxidant properties that can significantly improve the appearance of blemishes and scars. Many people struggle to eliminate age spots and other beauty marks, but the powerful antioxidants found in melaleuca oil can quickly remedy those issues, leaving your skin looking young and smooth. In fact, melaleuca oil can even help reduce the appearance of wrinkles as we age.

6. Antiviral: 

Viral infections are very hazardous and are frequently recurring, since viruses can survive under very harsh conditions. They can bear unimaginable heat, cold and even poison, because they develop a protective shell called a “Cyst” around them. Some viruses are intelligent enough to develop a new cyst each time they are activated, like the Common Cold Virus, in order to trick our immune system. They never die naturally and can live dormant (neither alive or dead) for hundreds or even thousands of years. They can be killed only if their cyst is ruptured using a particular compound or if they are subjected to extreme heat which is beyond their tolerance. The Tea Tree Oil helps rupture this cyst in some viruses and can give protection against them. It also helps cure viral infections like the common cold, influenza, mumps, measles, and pox.

7. Expectorant:

People who are suffering from cough and cold, congestion, bronchitis and other troubles associated with colds, are sure to get relief using tea tree essential oil. It provides relief from cough, cold, bronchitis and congestion. It can be rubbed on the chest and inhaled while sleeping, or a drop can be placed on the pillow so it can do its magical work at night, and you can wake up feeling much better in the morning.

8. Hair Care:

The stimulant property of tea tree essential oil can be very beneficial for taking care of certain hair conditions. If you suffer from dandruff or hair loss, simply apply a diluted amount of tea tree essential oil to your scalp. The increased blood flow that you experience will help your follicle stay healthy and strengthen the hold on your hair, so you won’t suffer from premature hair loss. Also, since the skin will become healthier, it will be easier to keep moisturized, reducing the amount of dandruff and dry skin!

9. Insecticide:

It is obvious that an essential oil that is so deadly for bacteria and viruses will be effective against insects as well. Tea tree oil is an efficient insect deterrent and insect killer. It does not let parasites and other insects like mosquitoes, fleas, lice, or flies come near someone who has rubbed some of this oil on their body. It kills internal insects and worms too, such as intestinal worms like round worms, tape worms, and hook worms, because it can be absorbed by your body and skin.


10. Antiseptic:

 Open wounds are the most susceptible place to infection by bacteria and fungi and may result in sepsis or tetanus. Thus they must be protected well in advance. Tea tree oil can be a wise preventative choice as it is an excellent antiseptic. It can be applied directly on the wounds, boils, sores, cuts or certain eruptions, including insect bites and stings, to protect them from infections. It is as good as any antibiotic, but without any of their adverse side effects.

11. Stimulant:

This essential oil has a stimulating effect on hormone secretions, blood circulation, and most importantly, on the immune system. It boosts immunity and acts as a shield against many different types of infections. That is why it is quite popular in aromatherapy, because not only does it blend well with many other oils, it can also provide you with internal benefits that would otherwise be impossible, since you are not allowed to ingest tea tree essential oil.

12. Sudorific:

Besides infections, another cause of disease is an accumulation of toxins in the body. These toxins are generated by the body itself, formed as a by-product of various reactions, or they get inside the body in some way. Our body has certain mechanisms to eliminate these toxins. One of them is perspiration or sweating, which has the its advantages, including removing toxins, moistening the skin, opening pores on the skin and keeping the body cool. Tea tree essential oil, being a sudorific substance, increases sweating and promotes the removal of toxins like uric acid. It also helps remove excess water and salts from the body, while cleaning the pores. This further prevents the occurrence of acne, for which tea tree essential oil is often recommended.

13. Increase Hygiene:

No matter where you live in the world, hygiene is important, but particularly in hot places where sweat, heat, and activity can make for some ripe smells. Melaleuca oil is frequently included in the composition of deodorants, as it can act as a powerful deodorizing agent, eliminating not only the smell of body odor, but also the bacteria and toxins that can increase its potency.

14. Ear Infections:

 Melaleuca oil is safe to use topically on almost every part of the body, including the ear canal. For people suffering from ear infections, particularly children, it can be a painful and confusing time. Dropping a few drips of melaleuca oil into the ear can clear out the infection thanks to the natural antibacterial nature of the oil, and it can even reduce pain and speed the healing process, easing what can often be a long and painful illness.

15. Acne Control:

Many people suffer from severe skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema, and the dreaded acne. Acne results from oil glands remaining unregulated and marring the surface of the skin, often becoming inflamed when the sebum glands get infected or blocked by toxins and dirt. Melaleuca oil can quickly clear up the sebum glands and eliminate the bacteria, resulting in smoother, healthier-looking skin in a surprisingly short amount of time.

16. Fungicide:

The Tea Tree Essential Oil is as effective against fungal infections as it is against any bacterial or microbial infections. It inhibits fungal growth and cures diseases like dermatitis and Athlete’s Foot. Although internal fungal infections can be very dangerous, and even deadly, never ingest tea tree oil, even in extremely diluted forms, as it is toxic. Other herbal remedies for fungal infections can be used that are far safer for internal infections.

Other Benefits: Tea tree essential oil can provide relief from muscular pain, aches, and sprains because its strong chemical properties can work as an anti-inflammatory and also encourage blood flow to a specific area (being a stimulant), which speeds up the healing process and increases the rate of new tissue and cellular growth.

A Few Words of Caution: Although there are no inherent risks of topically applying tea tree oil, in some rare cases, people may be overly sensitive to the oil, as a form of a minor allergenic. Melaleuca oil is clearly a powerful cleansing agent for better health, but it is also extremely powerful and should not be directly consumed. This is meant as a topical agent, and should not be trusted as an antibacterial agent when consumed orally. As with any new herbal remedy being added to your health regimen, speak to a trained medical professional before making any major changes. However, there have been numerous reports of people who accidentally consume tea tree oil, and this should be strictly avoided. The side effects of consuming tea tree essential oil can be quite serious, and they include confusion, hallucinations, drowsiness, coma, unsteadiness, severe rashes, vomiting, diarrhea, general weakness, stomach upset, blood cell abnormalities. This should always be kept away from pets and children.

Sweet Almond Oil

Best for: All skin types

This amazing oil is extracted from raw almonds. It owes its benefits to the generous amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, potassium, proteins, zinc, and a number of other vitamins and minerals it contains. Almond oil is made by pressing raw almonds without cooking them. This is something you may have heard about in other health products, where something is “raw” or “cold pressed.” This means that little to no heat is used in the process, thereby preserving all the naturally occurring chemical compounds within the oil, so that they can directly benefit the skin.

One of the biggest secrets behind the use of almond oil for skin treatments is the high level of fatty acids contained in the final oil mixture. Fatty acids serve as a natural emollient for the skin, and can help the skin lock in moisture by forming a protective barrier. Emollients are especially effective for conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea


1. Makes Skin Healthier

Achieving healthy and glowing skin is not an expensive task. Try almond oil. It not only clears complexion but also imparts a warm glow to the skin. It nourishes your skin and makes it smoother and softer.

Enriched with vitamins E, A, and B, this miraculous oil seals the moisture in the skin and also improves absorption, thus ensuring the pores aren’t blocked.


2. Reduces Dark Circle

A sure shot remedy to get rid of dark circles is to massage almond eyes under your eyes before you hit the sack. The vitamin E in the almond oil will rejuvenate the skin, and with regular use, lighten the skin under your eyes. Regular use of almond oil will also reduce wrinkles and crow’s feet around the eyes.


3. Delays Signs Of Aging

Sagging skin. Baggy eyes. Dullness. These words are an absolute us girls dread hearing. The vitamin E and fatty acids present in this oil reverse and prevent signs of aging. It not only helps skin renewal but also fights wrinkles.


4. Removes Impurities And Dead Skin Cells

The skin tends to look dull due to the accumulation of dead skin cells caused by external factors like pollution, dirt, sweat, etc. The moisturizing property of almond oil loosens the impurities and the dead skin, making it extremely easy to remove them.


5. Cures Psoriasis And Eczema

Almond oil is a time-tested remedy for all kinds of skin problems like acne, psoriasis, and eczema. It soothes irritation and relaxes the skin. We have already established that almond oil is an emollient. Its moisturizing property helps cure skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis.


6. Reduces Tan

The blazing rays of the sun can cause sunburn and tan lines, which can adversely affect your skin.

Almond oil acts as a natural sunscreen. It has an SPF 5, and it not only prevents tan and sunburn, but also reverses the effects of the sun. The vitamin E in almond oil nourishes and shields the skin from harmful rays of the sun.


7. Substitute For Hand And Foot Cream

Almond oil is a light oil, and therefore, is less greasy compared to other oils. It is an inexpensive substitute for hand and foot creams.

It smoothens the skin and makes it baby soft and also gets easily absorbed in the skin owing to its lightness. Almond oil smells so good, and its zinc content soothes rough skin and heals cracked heel.


8. An Ideal Makeup Remover

Did you know you can use almond oil to easily remove makeup?

Almond oil effectively opens up the pores and ensures that all traces of makeup are gone. Moreover, it averts the occurrence of acne and can be used for all skin types.


9. Treats Chapped lips

Almond oil’s rich vitamin content and moisturizing properties can make your lips soft and pink. Every time your lips feel rough and chapped, you can just dab on on a little almond oil, and you will be good to go.


10. Reduces Wrinkles And Fine Lines



Rice Bran Oil

Best for: Dry, flaky, mature, sensitive, delicate skin (baby's skin)

Also known as rice bran extract, rice bran oil is simply the oil extracted from the germ and inner husk of rice. It’s similar to peanut oil, with high percentages of fatty acids—which, by the way, makes it a perfect skin moisturizer. Full of antioxidants, vitamins B and E, and wonderful natural emollients, this ingredient not only hydrates skin, but also protects. Rice bran oil is a natural antioxidant, almost all anti aging skin care products and facial creams are labeled with the word “antioxidants”, which are actually substances and vitamins that can fight free radicals, thus, preventing aging process; but the only difference, that the antioxidants in creams are packed with chemicals and preservatives, which aren’t very beneficial for the beauty of our skin. Rice bran oil, on the other hand, is completely free from all unnecessary (harmful) ingredients and it can provide us only with benefits.

Rice bran oil is a well kept beauty secret of many Asian and, especially, Japanese ladies. This oil is rich in vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants. In Asian countries women use rice bran oil not only for dressing up their salads, but also, they apply it directly on the skin and hair.

1. Rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids

Rice bran oil is able to deeply penetrate into skin’s layers, nourishing it from within, making your skin very soft and velvety,

2. It improves skin’s elasticity

Making it appear more youthful and plump

3. It hydrates the skin and helps it to retain moisture

Making your skin softer and smoother

4.Rice bran oil boosts skin’s natural regeneration process

5. It can help to renew and improve skin’s surface

6. Rice bran oil nourishes skin cells with vitamins and antioxidants

Slowing down and preventing aging process

7. It improves overall complexion

Helps to even out the skin tone

8. Helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines

Also helps to prevent them

9. Rice bran oil doesn’t clog pores

10. It naturally helps to protect the skin from sun damage

11. It’s easily absorbed into the skin

It’s not likely to increase oiliness

12. Helps to brighten

Even slightly whiten the skin

13. Rice bran oil has anti-inflammatory properties

This help sooth and calm down irritated skin

14. It adds youthful glow to your skin

15. Helps to protect the skin from external aggressions

Such as wind, cold, polluted city environment and, as mentioned above, rice bran oil can protect the skin from harmful sun damage, working as natural sun block



Best for: All skin types

This newcomer to the oil world is trending in a big way. High in essential fatty acids, it’s been used by Kenyan women for centuries to keep their skin protected against dehydration. Plus, it deflects free radicals and helps reverse the signs of sun damage. While argan oil isn't going anywhere, marula oil contains 60 percent more antioxidants than argan oil (bye bye, wrinkles and sun damage) and is even more skin friendly. Even if you have acne.


With a natural makeup that comes close to the oils your own body creates, marula oil — harvested in South Africa from the nut inside the marula fruit — plays nicely with your skin, healing and hydrating it without clogging or irritating it. It contains a high amount of antioxidants and essential fatty acids like omegas-6 and -9, which do a ton: They protect your skin from environmental aggressors (sun, pollution, wind, etc.) that can cause premature aging, and they absorb deeper and more easily into your skin, since the molecules are much smaller than traditional hydrating oils. (Traditional, thicker oils will sit on top and just lock existing moisture in. Some benefits are:


1. Antibacterial

Tea tree oil is a popular natural remedy for breakouts. However, it can be a bit strong for sensitive skin. Marula oil is a great alternative because it’s antimicrobial and gentle. It’s been shown to fight the pathogens that often cause pimples.

Aside from treating acne, Marula oil also helps other skin infections. Boils, burns, and sores can be treated with this magical oil.2

2. Hydration

Marula oil is abundant in healthy fatty acids that can prevent water loss from the skin. So if you’re suffering from skin dryness, Marula oil will benefit you. It will also boost moisture retention, making sure that hydration lasts.3

3. Skin Cancer Prevention

If you are exposed to the sun a lot, Marula oil may be your secret weapon. It is rich in antioxidant content that protects your skin cells from harsh UV rays, therefore, warding off skin cancer. The anti-inflammatory properties of Marula oil can also relieve irritation caused by the sun.4

4. Scar Treatment

Dealing with acne is bad enough. But when you have scars, it’s even more frustrating! Luckily, Marula oil helps treat hyperpigmentation of the skin. It’s all thanks to those high levels of antioxidants, which promote skin cell regeneration.5

5. Antiaging

Want to take a few years off your face? Marula oil’s high level of antioxidants and fatty acids will make you look younger. These nutrients promote skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. The moisturizing effect of Marula oil also makes fine lines less noticeable.


Safety Notes

If you’re allergic to tree nuts, be cautious. The fruit’s kernel, or seed, is considered a tree nut, and the oil itself is categorized as a nut oil.




Best for: All skin types

This super fruit’s oil has sky-high levels of antioxidants, which help to fade fine lines and wrinkles while brightening overall skin tone. Plus, it won’t clog your pores, so it’s ideal for blemish-prone types. Some benefits are:

1. Reinvigorates Skin:

Pomegranate seed oil stimulates “keratinocytes”, major cells found in the outer layer of the skin. This helps to reverse skin damage, revive skin and reveal a more youthful appearance.

2. Fights Against Free Radicals:

Pomegranate seed oil contains a unique polyunsaturated oil called “punicic acid”, an omega 5 fatty acid, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties. The oil fends off free radicals to keep skin ageing at bay. It also provides protection against sun damage. A study concluded that pomegranate seed oil significantly decreased the occurrence of skin cancer in mice exposed to cancer- causing chemicals.

3. Perfect for All Skin Types:

Like most essential oil, pomegranate seed oil penetrates deeply into the skin, creating lasting and healthy moisture. The oil absorbs deeply into the skin without leaving any greasy residue behind. The oil is perfect for all skin types, including oily and acne prone skin. The oil is used in products meant for oily skin, to control acne breakout, reduce scarring and soothe minor irritation.

4. Anti-Inflammatory Nature:

Pomegranate seed oil provides a soothing and hydrating relief to people suffering from eczema, psoriasis and sunburned skin. The anti-inflammatory properties of the oil calm irritation and redness of the skin. It also heals the wounds and restores skin health. It helps channel nutrient directly into the cell, accelerating the process of cellular regeneration and rejuvenation.

5. Improves Skin Texture:

Pomegranate oil contains a human compatible form of pro-estrogen, which supports hormonal balance in both men and women. This helps to improve the texture of the skin.

6. Massage Oil:

Pomegranate seed oil is also used for massaging.

7. Ingredient in Anti-Ageing Creams:

Pomegranate seed oil is often included in the anti-ageing creams. The regenerative properties of the oil erase the visible signs of ageing to make you look your best.

8. Antioxidant:

Just like pomegranate fruit, its oil is also prized for its antioxidant properties. It helps with collagen production, firming the skin.