Foods for the skin

Here are 10 foods that do wonders for your skin


1. Eggs

Eggs help your skin with tissue repair. The compounds found in eggs also help keep your skin clear of infections and acne. These breakfast items (which are also used in countless recipes everyday) are high in selenium, vitamin A and copper. Selenium wards off skin infections, vitamin A prevents your skin from developing abnormal clumps (which can turn into moles and skin tags) and copper promotes skin elasticity. A triple threat, if you ask us

2. Avocados

Avocados are great for preventing blemishes and enhancing the quality of your skin. This popular fruit is high in vitamins A, D and E. These vitamins help prevent the signs of aging. Avocados are also high in minerals like copper and iron. These minerals help the skin fight the signs of aging by defending against free radicals. Furthermore, this delicious fruit will help promote skin elasticity and pigment – leaving your skin (and hair) looking healthy refreshed all day long.

3. Berries

We will mentioned blueberries later on in the list, but it’s worth noting that all berries (particularly raspberries, blackberries and strawberries) are great in achieving a healthy glow. Like oranges and grapefruits, these fruits are high in vitamin C – a strong antioxidant which keeps the collagen in your skin healthy. They’re also high in anthocyanins and quercetin, which will help reduce inflammation and keep  your skin looking evenly toned and radiant.

4. Oranges

Oranges (and grapefruits, for that matter) are considered very effective wrinkle preventers by nutritionists all over the world. This delicious fruit is known for its toning properties. It’s also a great source of vitamin C (as most of you already know) which helps improve the texture and color of your skin. To finish things off, this citrus fruit helps restore collagen, leaving your skin firm and equipped to fight the signs of early aging.

5. Watermelon

Watermelon falls into the sun protector/cancer fighter categories when it comes to skincare. While protecting you from cancer doesn’t necessarily help with maintaining a healthy glow, it’s definitely something you should be looking for when choosing foods for your diet. This mouth-watering fruit will help clear your blemishes, smooth your skin and improve your skin’s elasticity – all important elements of a healthy, fresh looking face.

6. Salmon

Salmon has been proven to help moisturize skin and keep it looking healthy and radiant. This fish is so rich in omega-3 fatty acids that it nourishes the skin by reducing the body’s production of inflammatory substances. In short, it helps clear clogged pores and erase fine lines and wrinkles, leaving your skin looking clear and refreshed

7. Dark Chocolate

Go ahead, indulge in a few pieces of chocolate from time to time. It may come as a surprise but dark chocolate – specifically chocolate that has high flavanol content and is at least 60 percent cocoa – helps skin stay hydrated. In addition, it also protects your skin from sun damage – one of the biggest culprits of unhealthy looking skin.

8. Kiwi

Kiwis fall into the category of firming when it comes to skincare. This sour fruit will help prevent wrinkles while keeping your bones and teeth healthy as well. The antioxidants found in this delicious fruit will also help protect you from cancer – a definite bonus when it comes to a healthy diet.

9. Spinach

Leafy green vegetables, particularly spinach, are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. This particular vegetable is packed with lutein which helps to keep your eyes sparkling white. This healthy vegetable is also a great source of vitamin B, C and E as well as potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acides. Swapping your normal lettuce for spinach will work wonders for your skin.

10. Blueberries

Blueberries fall into the tightener/renewer category when it comes to skincare. This healthy and delicious antioxidant-rich fruit is high in fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C and low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. In addition, these tasty berries will help clear acne and blotchy spots on your skin, leaving you with a healthier, happier glow.